Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Gentle Touch

"A Gentle Touch" is an experimental video featuring the electronica sounds of Not Half. The sombre meditative music takes you on a fantastic journey through strange 3d-generated landscapes.

The "experimental" aspect comes from the 3d animations that make up the visuals; originally each clip was done to learn and test various things like particle animation, volumetric lighting, fog, water and so forth, and not actually created for the video. The animations were rendered back in 2002 and I did the video edit in 2005.

The edit files went corrupt in a harddrive mishap and the only existing version was a lo-res 352 x 240 animation in mpeg 1 format! We've always liked "A Gentle Touch", so we've cleaned it up and present it to you here! We hope you like it too! - Nik Poliwko

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