Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cool fonts, cooler prices - but HURRY!

Time out for a Public Service Announcement!

If you need fonts for any application, whether for comics, movie titles, or product labels (guilty as charged), check out the offerings by Comicraft. They've been involved with digital lettering since 1992, and their fonts have appeared in thousands of comic books. Yes, that includes later issues of SINNAMON.

The reason why I mention them now is that they've got a half price sale going on until August 4, 2008. I'm not an affiliate, and I don't get a commission, I simply like their fonts. Their after-sale service and support has also been top notch. Once you pay for the font(s), you can download them right away.

Here's the font I purchased last night:

Did I mention the font names themselves harken back to the glory days of comic books?
You can check out the sale here:


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